Welcome to Sonobe Light


Thank you so much. We cannot wait to get the lamps up in our new room. We love your work.

– Antonia, London

Thank you so much. We cannot wait to get the lamps up in our new room. We love your work.

– Antonia, London

We have bought three lamps, it’s our best buy ever. We’ve now spent nearly 5 years looking for the perfect lamp for our home and at last we’ve found them, thank you.

– Alona, KBH

I met you in Arhus and was totally captivated by your work, you told me about the process, and I knew I had to have one of your lamps.

– Anne, Århus

I have fallen in love with your lamps.

– Mette, KBH

We are so pleased with our large Siphonia and often think that it’s folded by hand – Amazing.

– Fam. Christensen, KBH S

My two Siphonia are some of the most beautiful I’ve seen! We are so happy! Exactly my style!

– Celina, Flekkefjord Norge

Sonobe Light er smukke lamper, der står så stærkt at de bliver til små lysinstallationer i hjemmet – æstetiske og kunstneriske lampedesigns som er et godt bud på, hvordan du kan bringe mere kunst ind i dit hjem.

– Anmelder Mette Møbjerg, Magasinet KUNST

Thank you for the quick response about your craft. It is the most beautiful lamp I have ever seen!

– Fie, Vallensbæk

The lamps are simply beautiful. Both we and the tourists and love them.

– Ditte Marie Ninn Jensen, Center for Papirkunst

Når gæster træder ind i vores hjem er lampen med dens lys det første de ser og taler om. Selv glædes jeg inderligt over den hver dag

– Fam. Gertsen, Taastrup

De to lamper er så smukke og er virkelig kommet til deres ret på den nymalede væg. Dem vil vi nyde i mange år.

– Camilla, KBH N

Wauw var følelsen jeg fik første gang jeg så lamperne. Vores WallArt er et stykke kunst i sig selv. Det giver det skønneste lys og lysdæmperfunktionen på rammen er et hit i familien

– Jeanette Segato Stubban, Albertslund

Charlottes Sonobe Light bidrager med en virkelig dejlig glød og noget helt unikt i Tinghusets smukke gamle bygning.

– Lene Juncker Wiberg, ejer af FyrskibXI og work2gether, Tinghuset i Svendborg

Det er skønne skønne lamper fra Sonobe Light.

– Malene Lytken, forfatter Danske Lamper 1920 til nu

Imponerende og flot – vi er så glade for den lampe vi købte af dig, Charlotte.

– Christina Molina, Taastrup

The lamp is so incredible. I’m waiting for darkness to fall so I can switch it on.

– Iben, Århus

Charlotte kan noget med at forene lys og kunst.

– Savannah Bell, Lampemesteren

Nogen her i huset mener, jeg er lidt for glad for lamper. Kan man blive andet en ved at kigge på denne skønhed fra Sonobe Light ?

– Karina Langelund, Uldum

Sonobe Light

Sonobe Light offers handmade paper lamps to the customer who needs unique designs for a unique home.
The beautiful light from the lamps is both warm and indirect thanks to the soft paper. Each lamp is folded all by hand from several pieces of strong 3-layered specially produced paper.
The inspiration for the lamps has roots in origami from the 1960’s – an old and traditional Japanese craft in a both timeless and modern design. The Sonobe Light collection is 100% crafted by hand and designed in Denmark by Charlotte Brandt.
Sonobe Light is known and recommended by its aesthetics and great craftmanship.
As we say… it’s all about light, love and paper.
Read more about the design and craft here.

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